What are wasps good for?
Wasps are beneficial in that they will prey on many other insects like flies, caterpillars, moths, earwigs, and crickets. Because wasps feed on other insects they are a helpful natural control of garden pests. Like the bees, wasps are also important pollinators of flowers and crops.
There are yellowjackets entering and exiting a crack in my house can I spray the opening?

Never spray the opening of a nest that is inside the structure. This will not kill them as the nest is inside of a void and will be protected from the spray. By doing this, it will cause the yellowjackets to find another route out of the nesting area. They will move through the structure and come out of ducts and other gaps into the living space of the house. Also, the spray contains chemicals that can damage the outside of the house. The spray will also harm plants and shrubs.

What is the life cycle for hornets and yellowjackets?
The nests are annual and started in the spring by a single queen who alone survived the winter. She will begin the nest herself and build 20-45 cells enclosed in a sheet or two of paper envelope. The eggs take about 30 days to develop into an adult worker wasp. These first workers relieve the queen of foraging for food, building material, colony defense, and brood care. The queen can now focus on laying eggs and more workers are produced throughout the summer into fall. Around late summer they will switch to building larger cells that will rear the new queens for the following year. The males are usually reared in the small cells like the workers. The nests depending on the species will die out from late August until early December for other species. The old queen, workers, and males all die. Only the new queens survive the winter.
Do you wear one of those white suits?
Yes. I wear a full bee suit complete with a veil, gloves, and boots. I need to make myself as sting resistant as possible.
Why hire The Wasp Expert?
Chris Walker “The Wasp Expert” specializes in the removal of hornets and yellowjackets. The Wasp Expert has years of experience, the necessary protective equipment, and the knowledge on how to safely remove a nest. The methods used by The Wasp Expert are eco-friendly and typically involve no pesticides. When the nest is removed the customer will not have to worry about coming into contact with any poison, unless they consent to their use. On the other hand, when someone hires an exterminator they will expose the home and yard to toxic pesticides, and often leave the poisoned nest behind. The Wasp Expert will remove the nest.
How many species of social bees and wasps are there in Southeastern Pennsylvania?
There are about fifteen species you are likely to come across. Apis mellifera is the honeybee. Bombus impatiens, B. griseocollis, B. bimaculatus, and B. perplexus are common bumblebees. Dolichovespula maculata, D. arenaria, Vespa crabro, Vespula germanica, V. maculifrons, V. flavopilosa, V. squamosa, and V. vidua are the hornets and yellowjackets. Polistes dominula, and P. fuscatus are the common umbrella wasps.
Should I swat at a bee or wasp flying around me?
When a person is outside at a barbeque or sporting event they may have a bee or wasp flying around them. The one thing to NOT do is swat at it. Swatting at the bee or wasp can cause it to become alarmed and sting. If the individual remains still for a moment the insect should fly off. Some perfumes can attract bees and wasps. It is also important to note that beverages should have lids and check them before drinking. A sting to the mouth can be life threatening.
Are you a member of any associations/organizations?
Yes. I am a member of the Chester County Beekeepers Association.